Monday, May 18, 2009

On Bended Knee

Dear Everyone,
Today was a day that was full of surprises to say the least. I started the day with a team meeting filled with prayer and just talking about different things God has laid on our heart for Japan. After our meeting we headed off to have an italian lunch. That's right I said italian food in Japan. It was no different than any other italian I have eaten except that I ate it in Japan.
Once we finished our delicious meal we headed off to pray at a tourist attraction that was a replica of an ancient shrine surrounded by beautiful gardens. We split up into groups and began to pray as God lead. For me, God has really laid the Christian youth of Japan on my heart because it is such a struggle to live out the faith here, and I want them to be encouraged in the Lord. So far I have met some incredible youth who desire to see God move in their nation and it has been an encouragement to my faith.
Toward the end of our prayer walk something special happened. Unbeknownst to me, two of the teammates who have been dating for several years now apparently became engaged in the gardens. The proposal occurred on a seven stone path over a beautiful lake covered with lilies and filled with coy. It was an amazing experience to see two people decide to spend the rest of their lives together and is something I will never forget.
After the proposal in the garden we came back to the church to catch up on our rest. It was sorely needed. Over the last day and a half I have fallen ill with a small cold which has been quite a nuisance. Please pray that I can get it over it quickly and regain all my energy to be able to minister to the people here. Once nap time was over we headed out to a bible study at Kyoto University. I had a wonderful time listening to my brothers and sisters in the Lord sharing their stories and singing songs with them. We just got back not to long ago and I took some medicine to make me feel a little better. I am looking forward to getting a good nights rest and feeling better tomorrow.

Only By Grace,


  1. I am not even surprised that God would put Japan's youth on your heart. Young people are amazing and I am excited that you are working with them and praying that they will be able to live their faith out loud. You, my friend, are the perfect example.

    I'll be praying that you get over your cold.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. I love hearing about your trip! and I'm glad you're being encouraged in your faith-- it's encouraging to me too.
    feel better!
