Sunday, May 17, 2009

Worship on the other side of the world

Dear Everyone,
Yesterday was an amazing day so far on the trip. Sunday worship started around 10:30 a.m. with around 30 people present at the service. At first I was kind of nervous because most of the service was to be in Japanese except for the sermon which would be translated into English. All my anxiety soon fell away as we begin to sing a hymn in Japanese. I had no idea what I was singing but it is an amazing experience to praise the Lord in a different language and culture. As I sang, I looked around at the rest of the congregation which was filled with people giving the Lord the highest praise. I also had the pleasure of leading worship with my team co-leader Cory. I will never forget the worship I saw and experienced in that service.
After the service was over it was time for fellowship. Similar to what I am used to that meant we were going to eat. I had curry (again) which is not to bad but once you have had it several times it can get kind of old. For about an hour the team and I sat around and talked and laughed with different members of the congregation. As people began to slowly filter out, I came back to the house to grab a quick nap before the international church worship service.
Once I woke up from my nap it was time to head out for evening worship. Three of the team stayed back to conduct a service for local youth at the church and the other three went to the international church to join their worship. Little did I know before we got there, that the church was expecting a song item from one of us. So once we got there it was decided that I was to sing an a capella solo for the congregation. As the time came I prayed that the Lord would use me to speak to my brothers and sisters in the Lord... And He did. I sang a couple verses from Come Thou Fount which is one of my favorite hymns which seemed to be appropriate for the occasion. Once I was done it was fun talking to some members afterwards and just talking about what the Lord had done in our lives. I hope that my song encouraged someone and I am looking for more opportunities to share what the Lord has done for me through song.

Only By Grace,


  1. Cody,
    I'm real proud of you man. I'm going to be keeping up with your blog. My buddy Josh is on a mission trip and he is the best guy ever but the worst blogger ever, so I'm hoping I can share more of your experience than I have of his. Good work with the Solo, I woulda busted out a few verses from Changes by Tupac but hey... Different strokes for different folks. Keep it up bro.


  2. Cody,
    Seems like you are having a ton of fun! I have tried to keep you on the forefront of my mind in prayer! How exciting that you are in Japan right now! Keep blogging! I love to read it! Hope the cards are comforting to you. Oh btw I hate curry, well at least the smell. Also, you stinker, Come Thou Fount is my all time favorite hymn... not many people know it though! Now, however, some of our Japanese brothers and sisters have heard it! That is stellar! I didn't know you sang. Cool! Keep on keeping on! Enjoy it and keep us updated!

    Your Sister In Christ,

  3. Cody! I'm so proud that you used and shared your gift of singing with everyone there! Can't wait to hear what Japan may mean to your future..Keep up the good work!

  4. I however love curry. In fact I have authentic curry my dad made so if you ever have a craving stateside, I got your fix. Mister Donuts yet?

  5. Awesome!! You are getting to use all your gifts for God and all your opportunities!!
    Isn't so awesome to see the passion of other cultures for the one true living God??
    We love you and are praying for you!
